Jornal Vascular Brasileiro
Jornal Vascular Brasileiro
Original Article

Variations in branching pattern of the axillary artery: a study in 40 human cadavers

Rajesh Astik; Urvi Dave

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BACKGROUND: Variations in the branching pattern of the axillary artery are a rule rather than an exception. The knowledge of these variations is of anatomical, radiological, and surgical interest to explain unexpected clinical signs and symptoms. OBJECTIVE: The large percentage of variations in branching pattern of axillary artery is making it worthwhile to take any anomaly into consideration. The type and frequency of these vascular variations should be well understood and documented, as increasing performance of coronary artery bypass surgery and other cardiovascular surgical procedures. The objective of this study is to observe variations in axillary artery branches in human cadavers. METHODS: We dissected 80 limbs of 40 human adult embalmed cadavers of Asian origin and we have studied the branching patterns of the axillary artery. RESULTS: We found variations in branching pattern of axillary artery in 62.5% of the limbs. Anatomical variations included: origin of lateral thoracic artery from the subscapular artery; absent thoracoacromial trunk and all its branches arose directly from the second part of the axillary artery; division of thoracoacromial trunk into deltoacromial and clavipectoral trunks, which were divided into all branches of thoracoacromial trunk; origin of subscapular, anterior circumflex humeral, posterior circumflex humeral and profunda brachii arteries from a common trunk from the third part of the axillary artery; and origin of posterior circumflex humeral artery from brachial artery in addition to third part of the axillary artery. CONCLUSIONS: The study was carried out to show important variations in the branching pattern of axillary artery, in order to orient the surgeons performing angiography, coronary bypass, and flaps in reconstructive surgeries.


angiography, axillary artery, cardiovascular surgical procedures, coronary artery bypass, median nerve


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