Jornal Vascular Brasileiro
Jornal Vascular Brasileiro


Volume 11, Issue 1, 2012

11(1), 2012


Therapeutic Challenge
Synthetic prostaglandin treatment in systemic cholesterol crystals embolism following endovascular aneurysm repair Marcus Vinicius BorgesI; Adriano GomesI; Paulo Sérgio de Andrade PinheiroI; Antonio Nuno da ConceiçãoII; Stenio Cirqueira de AtaídeII


Thesis Summary

Artigo Original
Microsurgical anatomy of the external carotid artery: a stereoscopic study Gustavo Rassier Isolan; Adamastor Humberto Pereira; Paulo Henrique Pires de Aguiar; Ápio Cláudio Martins Antunes; João Pedro Mousquer; Marcel Rozin Pierobon

Original Article
Carbon dioxide use as contrast for vena cava filter implantation: case series Matheus Pessanha de Rezende; Bernardo Massière; Arno von Ristow; Alberto Vescovi; Alexandre A. Duarte; Daniel A. Drummond; Leonardo Stambovsky; Antonio Luiz de Medina
Physical activity level in individuals with peripheral arterial disease: a systematic review João Paulo dos Anjos Souza Barbosa; Patrícia Maria Henriques; Mauro Virgílio Gomes de Barros; Nelson Wolosker; Raphael Mendes Ritti-Dias
Temporary vascularization on ischemic limbs through arterial-medullar shunt: an experimental work Ronaldo André Poerschke; Daniela Augustin Silveira; Peterson Lodi; Wagner Titton; Guilherme Marx; Alexandre Soares Lampert
Translation and cultural adaptation of Aberdeen Varicose Veins Questionnaire Flávia de Jesus Leal; Renata Cardoso Couto; Guilherme Benjamin Brandão Pitta; Priscilla Tosatti Ferreira Leite; Larissa Maranhão Costa; Wesley J. F. Higino; Marina Sandrelle Correia de Sousa

Review Article
Stratifying risk: asymptomatic carotid disease Rafael D. Malgor; Emily A. Wood; Otavio A. Iavarone; Nicos Labropoulos

Case Report
Endovascular treatment of aortic coarctation: a case report Aquiles Tadashi Ywata de Carvalho; Gibran Swami Alcoforado Silva; Maria Clara Sampaio Barretto Pereira; Aleksandro de Jesus Santos; Vinicius Cruz Majdalane; Vanessa Prado dos Santos; Roberto Pastor Rubeiz; Roberto Augusto Caffaro
Treatment of pelvic congestion associated with varicose veins of the lower limbs: report of a small number of cases Fábio Augusto Cypreste Oliveira; Carlos Eduardo de Sousa Amorelli; Fábio Lemos Campedelli; Juliana Caetano Barreto; Mariana Caetano Barreto; Philippe Moreira da Silva; Fernanda Lauar Sampaio Meirelles
Peripheral arterial emboli due to bullet projectile: diagnosis confirmed by vascular ultrasound Domingos de Morais Filho; Gustavo Teixeira Fulton Schimit; Guilon Otávio Santos Tenório; Wander Eduardo Sardinha; José Manuel Silva Silvestre; Eduardo Durante Ramires
Endovascular repair of abdominal aortic aneurysm and left common iliac artery in a patient with severe hemophilia C Sergio Quilici Belczak; Igor Rafael Sincos; Ricardo Aun; Boulanger Mioto Neto; Manoel Lobato; Fernando Saliture; Alex Ledermain


J Vasc Bras

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