Jornal Vascular Brasileiro
Jornal Vascular Brasileiro
Case Report

Angioplastia subintimal após trombose tardia de stent implantado em artéria hepática de fígado transplantado

Subintimal angioplasty after late thrombosis of hepatic artery stent implanted in liver transplantation

Fabricio Mascarenhas de Oliveira; Guilherme de Souza Mourão

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Os autores relatam um caso de estenose de artéria hepática transplantada tratada com angioplastia e stent, que evoluiu para trombose completa após 30 dias do procedimento. Realizada trombólise intra-arterial e angioplastia subintimal com sucesso. Controle angiotomográfico após 90 dias demonstra perviedade da artéria hepática.


angioplastia, artéria hepática, transplante


The present study reports a case of hepatic artery stenosis treated by percutaneous transluminal angioplasty and stent. After 30 days, this artery occluded and the patient was submitted successfully to thrombolysis and subintimal percutaneous angioplasty. Ninety days after the procedure a computed tomography showed patency of hepatic artery.


angioplasty, hepatic artery, transplantation


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